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by Coursetter
A stay-at-home parent with two young children looking at a tablet

Last year, 44% of workers surveyed said they'd prefer working remotely for at least 3 days per week. As a result, many companies are beginning to embrace the idea of flexible work models, which open the job market up more for stay-at-home parents who needs more flexible hours.

Entering or re-entering the workforce after full-time parenting doesn't have to be daunting. Relearning how to hold a full-time job is made worse by all the changes that might have occurred while you were away. Start your journey by reading our useful tips for stay-at-home parents rejoining the workforce.


Starting Fresh

Starting from scratch is an exciting way of entering or re-entering the job market. There are many entry-level job postings available that you only need to apply for! By completing a few introductory courses, you’ll set yourself apart from the pack of applicants. For example, starting as an admin assistant is one example of a rewarding and scalable job that can help you get your foot in the door to a new company to learn the ropes before climbing the corporate ladder.


Define (Or Redefine) Your Expectations

Having a child at home adds a few new dimensions to your weekly and monthly decision-making and building a few new expectations around this reality is the best way to start your re-entry. Start by making a list of the type of jobs and positions you want, then outline which hours in your week need to be free for your family.

Your list should also take new workspace realities into account. If you've been out of the workforce for a long time, stepping into a multigenerational workspace could bring some new challenges, including having managers who are a whole generation younger than you. Taking a training course on this topic can help you survive and thrive in this newer reality.

If you’ve been out of the working world for a while now, it's also a good idea to prepare yourself for recent changes in workplace culture. Taking a business office etiquette course could help you engage with some of these changes.


Update Your Work Experience

Creating an up-to-date resume is the next thing you'll want to do. Research the companies you’re interested in applying to and then tailor your resume and cover letter for each as a great way to boost your chances of getting an interview. Attending return-to-work workshops can help you get this right. You can boost your chances even more by focusing on specific skills the industry needs or rewards. For example, customer care is of universal necessity in the business world. Attending a customer service workshop could give your resume and your abilities an edge in this new environment.


Embrace Your Time Off

Sometimes an interviewer will make you feel nervous about the time you weren't working. You don't have to be scared off by these questions or let them affect your self-esteem. You can quickly shift the interview back to your professional achievements and qualifications, for example: "now that I've found a good school for my toddler, I'm ready to put my skills to good use again."

Business Courses to Help You Transition from Being a Stay-At-Home Parent

Going back to work after being a stay-at-home parent is a very possible task. Define what you need to help you find jobs that work for you, then update your CV and/or skills to start applying for suitable positions.

We offer an extensive catalogue of courses on online platforms as well as selected in-person classes across all of Canada. If you're a stay-at-home parent getting ready to start your return, contact us to start learning new skills that would help you in this journey.

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